Data Science | Steps to approach a Machine Learning Ploblem
It been some time, since i have written any blog. I just managed to get some time to put these things on blog. In my day to day work, I come across many people who are trying their hands on machine learning. Machine Learning is amazing. Once you fall in love with it, You will enjoy doing it all day. Availability of lot of libraries have made it very easy for us to develop machine learning solutions. many people who are who are new to machine learning use these API's directly and skip important steps, which will lead to not getting good results. So I thought of sharing some of important steps in this post. Following are the steps followed to create a good machine learning solution. 1. Data collection 2. Data preprocessing 1) Data cleaning 2) Feature creation and feature selection 3) feature scaling and Normalization 4) Divide data into training and testing sets(You can create cross validation set also) 3. Build a mo...